What Pediatric Dentists in Encinitas Say Causes Toothaches

When your child gets a toothache, the first thing that any of the pediatric dentists in Encinitas will do is attempt to find the cause. Once the cause has been discovered, the treatment is usually pretty straightforward. Bring your child to see the dentist quickly to have this toothache taken care of. Damaged Tooth One […]
3 Common Recommendations by Pediatric Dentists in Encinitas
Small changes in your child’s oral health routine can make a huge different. Most parents know that they should brush and floss their child’s teeth every night, but they might neglect other aspects of the routine. By following a few simple steps, you can make it less likely that pediatric dentists in Encinitas will find […]
Early Childhood Cavities and Pediatric Dentists in Encinitas
One the worst things that you can do as a parent is allow your child to fall asleep with a baby bottle. Any liquid that you have in the bottle, besides water, will contain sugar, which causes tooth decay. Even babies who fall frequently fall asleep nursing are more susceptible to cavities, but there are […]
Pediatric Dentists in Encinitas for Teens
Parents should know that pediatric dentists in Encinitas aren’t just for small children, as teenagers can visit these offices as well. At this age, there is a lot going on in a person’s mouth. While most of the permanent teeth have already come in, there is still a great deal of growth occurring. In addition, […]
Do Pediatric Dentists in Encinitas Give X-Rays?
When you take your child to one of the pediatric dentists in Encinitas, there is a chance that he will receive some x-rays. While the child won’t need x-rays during every appointment, they do help the dentist to see tooth decay and apply the necessary preventative measures to maximize the child’s oral health. Every child […]
How Pediatric Dentists in Encinitas Can Help with Bruxism
The clenching and grinding of a child’s teeth during sleep, which is referred to as bruxism, affects about 30 percent of kids in the United States. While children tend to outgrow this issue, it can do some damage and cause discomfort. In many cases, bruxism is caused by external factors and you, as a parent, […]
A Brushing Routine by Pediatric Dentists in Encinitas
Parents know that it can be very difficult to keep your children in a brushing routine, especially once the kids are in school. During the school year, it becomes more important than ever to develop a brushing schedule, since you will not have access to your children during the day. Following these tips ensures that […]
Pediatric Dentists in Encinitas Offer Ways to Prevent Baby Bottle Caries
As pediatric dentists in Encinitas, we are well-familiarized with the practices to follow for preventing caries in both infants and older children. In particular, we stress that preventative measures be taken for cavity prevention when a child is just an infant as doing so can save a parent from future emergency treatments and developmental problems […]
Pediatric Dentists in Encinitas Encourage Dental Visits By Age 2
Pediatric Dentists in Encinitas know that cavities respect no age boundaries, thus, we recommend a visit to a dentist office by a child’s first birthday. The American Academy of Pediatrics, as well as the American Dental Association also supports that advice. Teething can also be a good time to talk to the dentist in Encinitas […]
Pediatric Dentists in Encinitas Say, Be Picky When Picking a Toothbrush
Over the past decade in Encinitas, electric toothbrushes have been gaining popularity, especially among young adults and children. Some parents have questioned if electric toothbrushes work better than just a manual toothbrush with Pediatric Dentists in Encinitas. We must honestly say, there are pros and cons to which one effectively works better regarding plaque removal. […]