Carlsbad Children's Dentistry

Carlsbad Children's Dentistry

The Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad and Dental Caries

Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad

In basic terms, early childhood dental caries is a condition where a child has one or more decayed, filled, or missing tooth when under the age of 71 months. This is a significant public health problems in our society, as early childhood dental carries can lead to other long-term health problems. As a result, it […]

Information on Candy From a Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad

Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad

Your child probably loves candy, but you, as a parent, know that it is your duty to limit how much he consumes. Not only is candy bad for your child’s teeth, but it is also full of empty calories that don’t do any good for the child’s development. Unfortunately, your child will eat candy throughout […]

Mistakes a Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad Says to Avoid

Of course you want what is best for your child, so you will want to avoid a few common mistakes pertaining to your child’s teeth. By taking the time to listen to these suggestions from a pediatric dentist in Carlsbad, you can ensure that your child has minimal oral health problems in the future. Allowing […]

What to Expect at the Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad

Taking a child to the dentist might just be more traumatic for the parent than the child. After all, you are putting your child into a difficult position where a complete stranger will be poking around in his mouth. You know that a dentist appointment is necessary, but this often doesn’t ease the guilt of […]

A Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad and Thumb Sucking

While many children throughout the world suck their thumbs, the truth is that this practice could lead to dental problems. Thumb sucking is a natural reflex that often occurs in infants as a method of providing security and comfort. This often occurs when the child is away from his mother. I can also help to […]

How a Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad Keeps Children Calm

As a parent, you might doubt how well a pediatric dentist in Carlsbad could keep your child calm. At home, your child might struggle to sit through dinner, never mind having a complete strange poke around in his mouth for 20 minutes. These dentists, however, set up their offices in a way that makes children […]

A Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad Can Make Brushing Fun

Every parent has been through a situation where a child does not want to brush her teeth. This is especially common in younger children, as they can only focus on one thing at a time and, in many cases, brushing their teeth is not a priority. Luckily, speaking with a pediatric dentist in Carlsbad can […]

Your Child’s First Visit to a Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad

When the time comes to take your children to the dentist, it is a good idea to prepare them properly beforehand. Your child’s trip to a pediatric dentist in Carlsbad might cause some anxiety, but it does not necessarily have to become a traumatic experience if you get him ready before the visit. Proper Hygiene […]

A Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad Explains Why Children Fear the Dentist

Fear – it is often considered synonymous with seeing the dentist. However, we, in our role as a pediatric dentist in Carlsbad, do not have the “fear” word in our vocabulary. That is because we take every measure to make sure that children have no reason to be afraid of the dentist. We encourage that […]

Special Need Patients Need Special Treatment With a Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad

A Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad knows providing dental care for a special needs patient can be a challenge. Treating a special need patient can not only be difficult for the dentist, but also the family of the individual. Fortunately, we have the experience needed to provide the optimal care for a special needs child. Our […]