Carlsbad Children's Dentistry

Carlsbad Children's Dentistry

When you talk with a pediatric dentist in Carlsbad, they will tell you that it is a good idea to replace your child’s toothbrush every few months. Here at Carlsbad Children’s Dentistry, we also suggest that you take a few steps to keep your child’s toothbrush clean. These are a few steps that you can follow to maintain a clean toothbrush:

  • Rinse the toothbrush thoroughly after brushing your child’s teeth, to help remove any food particles or bacteria.
  • After rinsing, dry the toothbrush as much as possible. Bacteria thrives in a moist environment, so it is less likely to grow on a dry toothbrush.
  • Don’t let your child walk around with the toothbrush and use it like a toy, because it can pick up dirt and bacteria from other surfaces.
  • Occasionally, hydrogen peroxide can be used to clean the toothbrush and remove any bacteria in the bristles. Soak the toothbrush in a solution of water and peroxide, and then rinse the toothbrush well before using it again.
  • Always wash your hands before touching or using the toothbrush.

In addition to maintaining a clean toothbrush and following good dental habits, it is also important to have your child visit a pediatric dentist in Carlsbad for regular checkups. You can call Carlsbad Children’s Dentistry to learn more about the pediatric dental treatments that are available. We offer a range of preventative options as well as dental treatments. Contact us to learn more and schedule a dental appointment for your child: (760) 633-1131